Safeguarding Children and Young People

Australian Cricket’s Looking After our Kids Code of Behaviour is underpinned by the following core values:
- to act within the rules and spirit of our sport, including the Spirit of Cricket;
- to display respect and courtesy towards everyone involved in our sport and prevent discrimination and harassment;
- to prioritise the safety and well-being of Children and Young People involved in our sport;
- to report any behaviour which is in breach of this Code of Behaviour to help prevent the abuse of Children and Young People in our sport; and
- to encourage and support opportunities for participation in all aspects of our sport.
The Joondalup Districts Cricket Club has endorsed and adopted Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs.
The club has made the following Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Young People
JDCC Child Safety Commitment Statement 2022/23
The Policy document and Codes of Behaviour are available here
Australian’s Cricket Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
JDCC Looking After Our Kids for Code of Behaviour for Associations and Clubs
Looking after our kids – Coaches, Managers and Volunteers
For more information on Australian Cricket’s Framework for Safeguarding Children and Young People visit the Cricket Australia Website or click on the link below.
Cricket Australia Safeguarding Kids
If you have any questions in relation to the Policy or any other Child Safety related issues or concerns please contacts our Child Safety Officer, Mark Pressley 0481 775 849 for support.