Healthy Club Policy
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To the maximum extent consistent with the laws and traditions of cricket, it is the club policy to;
- Maximise use of shaded areas and structures at training sessions.
- If practical, provide off field shade structures for players, officials and spectators when there are no shaded facilities available.
- Encourage the wearing of sun protective clothing for players. This includes UV shirts with collars and hats.
- The use of sunglasses by players is an individual choice with players being made aware of potential injury risk
- Provide sunscreen (SPF30+) to all players and spectators. Players, officials and spectators are urged to apply sunscreen at regular intervals.
Smoke-Free venue
- Smoking is prohibited in all indoor club premises including (but not limited to) clubrooms, meeting rooms and change rooms. This rule applies to all WACA clubs and includes change rooms and facilities provided by other clubs
- Smoking is not allowed within 5 metres of any doorway. Signs displaying restrictions are placed in appropriate areas.
- Players/spectators are encouraged not to smoke in the proximity of others.
- No tobacco products will be offered for sale.
Safe alcohol consumption practices
- JDCC does not have a liquor licence however alcohol is available via the Beaumaris Sports Association located at our home venue.
- Adhere to the BSA’s licence conditions and ensure that no alcohol is sold to intoxicated persons or patrons under 18 years of age.
- The BSA offers low strength and non alcoholic drinks as an alternative to full strength drinks.
- JDCC and the BSA discourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol.
Healthy eating policy
- Continue to handle and prepare food safely and to provide healthy food for sale at lunch and for consumption at afternoon tea.
- Provide information to members on good nutrition.
Sports safety policy
- Recognise our component of the obligation to provide a safe environment for players, officials, coaches and spectators. This obligation is shared with cricket administration and local government authorities.
- Maintain insurance cover for public liability and player/official injury
- Use of illicit and performance enhancing drugs is not permitted.
- Encourage all members to adopt practices which seek to prevent injury by;
– providing safe playing surfaces, first aid equipment and accredited personnel
– promoting the use of protective equipment including helmets and padding
– adopting safety guidelines for net practice sessions
- This policy will be reviewed annually( or as deemed necessary) by the management committee to adopt changes.

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